Social Wellness

In this dimension, you are broadcasting your frequency to others on a consistent basis. The information you get from your social group can influence all of your fuel tactics. The flipside is that this is where you are also receiving a good portion of the broadcasts you consume. What are the people around you channeled into? What are you receiving from them? Who we socialize with is associated with 95% of our success and failures[2]. Our brains even synchronize frequencies with who we socialize with[1]! Look at that: we’ve found another way that we connect to something greater than ourselves.

Conscious actions are important in learning how to balance your social wellness with your occupational wellness, and also balancing the unique needs of a romantic relationship with the other parts of your life. Having a supportive social network allows you to develop social skills and become comfortable in social situations. Surrounding yourself with a positive network increases your self-confidence and enables you to create boundaries that encourage communication, trust, and conflict-resolution management.


You fuel your social wellness by spending appropriately allocated time investing in conversations, activities, and experiences with others. Healthy relationships, in turn, provide healthy fuel for this dimension. The beauty of the frequency is that, if you stick to your focuses in life, your tuner will filter out all the other frequencies that are not resonant in your social circle. It will become easier to distinguish healthy relationships from bad relationships once you have set your desired frequency.


Simplifying your social wellness is more simply said than done, but reclaiming your time from others that don’t reciprocate a nurturing and supportive relationship is an action you can take. You don’t replace this time with more friends, but spend that time to develop the existing relationships further. The next action I recommend is to curate who will inspire the 95% of your successes. Another powerful method to effectively simplify your social wellness is to reduce or eliminate social media time. People are comparing themselves to everyone they know, and comparing yourself and abilities to manipulated realities on social media isn’t natural for a human to process. Even more, the global connection that social media provides you access to also disconnects you from meaningful interactions with the people that matter in your life.


You have the power to enhance your personal relationships. To effectively practice social wellness, you should aim to be empathetic and actively listen to others. Work to become comfortable with confronting conflict and coming to resolutions in a mature manner. Below are a few practical suggestions to practice social wellness and there are more to be found in the emotional wellness section:

  • Reflect on yourself and your social needs.

  • Make an effort to keep in touch with supportive friends and family.

  • Practice participating in group discussions and active listening.

  • Join a club or organization.

  • Establish healthy boundaries.

  • Practice self-disclosure

Map out time on your calendar to commit to these practices. This ensures your mind is in the moment for those that matter to you and not worrying about what else you have to get done. This practice will make active listening and being present easier to practice.

Engaging with Social Media

There are some sad stories of frequencies leaving us too soon due to social media. Social media has taken on a very unhealthy role in our society, but there is a way to utilize social media effectively to remain balanced in this dimension. Think of social media as a big social mixer. When you go, you’re there to network, and your profile is just a nice portfolio for others to look at. Remember that a portfolio is a glimpse into a story of someone, not the actual story of the person.

When we engage with social media, our goal should be to converse and have effective conversations among other frequencies tuning into similar desired frequencies. As you would deal with someone next to you, try and create this same sensation across the web. People are amazing when they are actually engaged in the growth of themselves and others.


If you find yourself in this section because you don’t have supportive relationships, you are socially drained, or you hate your social circle, you may need to take some time alone. On the flipside, if you feel lonely among your social group, you may want to explore and find a new social circle. The most effective way to repair this dimension of wellness is to meditate on your relationships, identify the issues within these relationships, and come to a resolution for these issues that is healthy for all parties involved. Never forget to ask yourself, “What role do I play in my relationships’ successes or downfalls?”


  1. Dumas, Guillaume, et al. “Inter-Brain Synchronization during Social Interaction.” PloS One, Public Library of Science, 17 Aug. 2010,

  2. McClelland, David C. The Achieving Society. Martino Publishing, 2010.