Spiritual Wellness

This dimension of wellness allows you to find meaning, and define purpose in human existence. Regardless of your faith, values, ethics and/or morals, anyone can believe in something greater than themselves. By rooting yourself in something infinite, you allow yourself to be expansive in your potential. It’s like planting a fruit tree in a pot versus planting that same fruit tree in the earth. In the pot, the roots are limited to the resources that the pot provides. In the earth, that same fruit tree can allow its roots to dig deep for more resources to increase its potential growth and longevity.

We are all like that seed. The pot represents the limitations of the mind from human constructs we have inherited. By limiting our spirits we limit our internal power as well, but if we allow ourselves to create a connection with something infinite, we allow ourselves to be limitless in the remainder of our dimensions. Where would you rather be planted?

If you don’t believe in anything, at least believe in yourself, because the divinity is within us. As I mentioned before, we see an example of this through the placebo effect, and science is further rediscovering the power of self-guided practices like meditation. By choosing to believe in yourself, you are choosing to deepen your connection with the world because you are uniquely designed to exist at this very moment. Just think, your chances of reading this book are astronomically low and yet here you are reading it.

This manuscript itself is inherently philosophical and spiritual in nature, so I want to use the philosophy we developed about the frequency to express the confusing language of religion and spiritual traditions. For example, the essence of all the archetypal deities can be represented as a frequency, and we tune into these different frequencies when we perform rituals that allow us to resonate with these archetypes. This is not limited to deities but also everyday individuals as well. Some examples are acting in the spirit of MLK, Gandhi, Jesus, Mohammad, Osun, Amaterasu Omikami, your best friend, or tapping into your inner Beyonce. You become aware that you are acting out these individual’s frequencies when you have tuned yourself to their frequencies’ broadcasts.

These energies exist if they occupy your mind, and as I have mentioned before, thoughts are frequencies. You are as complex, powerful, and infinite as these unique frequencies, which means you are unlimited in your potential to become godlike yourself. If you already believe this, then it’s time to broadcast and work towards improving your flow, longevity, and self-actualizing abilities. If you have yet to accept this, it’s time to broadcast and work towards improving your flow, longevity, and self-actualizing abilities. Either way, plant yourself, nurture yourself, and grow. The pot can always be broken, and you can always be uprooted and potted.


Educating yourself about different faiths and spiritual philosophies is a great way to not only stimulate this dimension but your intellectual and social dimensions as well. This allows you to reflect on yourself and your experiences with a unique understanding. Fuel for this dimension is found in exploring the possibilities of life.


I asked you earlier to free yourself from ideas you inherited to create your desired frequency. I asked you to become the godlike entity of whatever you want and to accompany that idea with detailed descriptions. Am I saying you can become godlike? Maybe… What is godlike? I found that the common trait of a god or goddess is immortality, so I am using that as the foundation for the search to manifest your desired frequency. Hence, another reason to improve your longevity along this journey.

Humans have strived to possess the power of the immortality of deities for millennia. You can find a tale of transcendence throughout human history in numerous literature, including religious scriptures. The Greeks have a term for the mortality-to-immortality process called Apotheosis. Becoming a god is simply the idea that one has surpassed mastery and transcended into a new state where they remain immortal, unless they are forgotten by the society that immortalized them. As an ancestor to our families or by some great contribution to our local or global cultures, we live as long as our broadcasts are relevant.

Apotheosis - the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.

Xian(仙) is a Chinese word for an enlightened person or “immortal.”[1] In English, the word Xian is translated as:

  • Spiritually immortal; super-human

  • Physically immortal

  • Alchemist

  • Wizard

  • Sage living in the mountains

  • Talent; an accomplished person

In Taoism, a person can become an immortal by working hard to achieve immortality as opposed to being born of a divine parent. This person, as demonstrated by The Eight Immortals (pa-hsien) in the taoist practice, can achieve immortality through individual cultivation and a virtuous lifestyle.[10]

In Greek mythology, mortal-born heroes and heroines like Psyche, Asclepius, Palaemon, and many more achieved a god status through apotheosis. Some of these gods, like Epione and her husband (physicians that became the gods of soothing pain), were granted the rank based on their superior skill set as mortals.[9]

The Yoruba tradition of IFA contains deities that are heavenly born and mortal born. The mortal born orishas are recognized as deities upon their deaths due to their extraordinary contribution to humanity. These orishas are sometimes related to as ancestors but have joined the pantheon of Yoruba deities. An example is Sango, who is widely worshipped as one of the main deities.[2]

Using these ideas as a basis to identify immortals, some modern examples that seem to be on the path, or transcended in our culture, are our championed athletes like Usian Bolt, Serena Williams, and Bruce Lee; our well known minds like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Mark Zukerburg, and Neil Degrasse Tyson; artists like Tupac Shakur, Erykah Badu, and Bob Marley. Immortals seem to be actualizing more now than ever. This is likely due to our advancements in technology and/or the access to witnessing more individuals on their paths through the internet’s overexposure.

Self-Actualization is the Purpose

An apotheosis, for anyone willing to strive for it, is the initial force that moves you in this protocol, so when I asked you to dream big in Part One to construct your frequency statement, did you dream this big? Your frequency statement should lay out your apotheosis in detail. If you aren’t seeking an apotheosis, it will be difficult to make significant progress in this protocol. It’s very similar to exercise or learning: if you don’t provide a significant stimulus to signal change, you will regress or remain stagnant. What we want is growth, so in order to grow that seed we planted, your stems must reach high for the light that will energize you.

If an apotheosis is possible or not, the purpose is to seek the limitations of our human existence and understand our experiences that we can later pass on. These stories and experiences (broadcasts) serve as guides to aid in future generations’ quest to their desired frequency. What is the human experience without making the most out of it? If you pay for an hour massage, you expect to get your money’s worth, right? You want the entire hour to be filled with relaxation. Anything less, you may feel unfulfilled. Similarly, you are in a very valuable human experience; get the value out of your time here.


To simplify this dimension of wellness you have to identify a value system. What are the top 5 values of your desired frequency and why? Don’t think about other people’s opinion of your value system. Of course, your value system will change as you become more resonant with your desired frequency. This change in values can alter your desired frequency itself. When the information from your desired frequency is channeled clearly, you’ll be able to clarify these values, but you must start somewhere.



When practicing spiritual wellness, it’s important to know that you are not required to practice religious faith, although religion may be a path you take to engage in your spiritual wellness. Some practices that aid in the cultivation of Spiritual Wellness are meditation, meditating on who you are, meditating on the series of events that led to life-changing moments, practicing acceptance and gratitude, learning about different faiths, and exploring unique experiences deeper than what’s presented.

To really capitalize on meditation in this protocol, I encourage you to practice meditating on your desired frequency. To Frequent The Frequency, you must also increase the frequency at which you think about it. When your frequency is out of mind, it’s out of sight, and it’s much harder to travel to a destination in the darkness. Envision clearly what your desired frequency is by closing your eyes, play out thoughts of who you aim to be in each dimension of wellness, and as you meditate on your desired frequency, begin to reflect on who you are currently and visualize how those two frequencies can become one.

I recommend this practice to be implemented in your morning ritual to prevent any other ideas from steering you away from the belief of who you are. When you wake up and grab your phone and wish that you had someone else’s lifestyle, you have taken that amount of time away from yourself to emotionally connect to your own desired frequency. The frequencies you are sending in your head are counterproductive to your ideas. If you can’t fight the urge, I recommend curving your attention by curating your timeline or newsfeed to things that are supportive of your vision. I will share more on this in intellectual wellness.


The ancient practice of meditation has a wealth of benefits, but we will only dive into the benefits as it relates to each dimension of wellness and this protocol. Meditation is a simple practice with multiple variations. Meditation is found inside religious practices that focus on the cultivation of the individual. In the Black Rites Wellness Protocol, meditation is used for this same reason, and you will find meditation as a staple in some repair sections.

Meditate - think deeply or carefully about (something).

You can start to feel the benefits with only 20 minutes of meditation daily. That’s no time at all; in fact, let’s add this 20-minute practice to either our morning or evening ritual. Some benefits of meditation are:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety[5].

  2. Enhances self-awareness[3].

  3. Improves your attention span[7].

  4. Reduces age-related memory loss[4].

  5. Improves immune function[1].

  6. May decrease the need for sleep[6].

  7. Helps you regulate emotions[8].

  8. And more.


Become aware of the breakdown and take measured steps to recovery. Early markers of a breakdown are: beginning to feel a general sense of disconnection, feelings of unwanted negativity from yourself or others, feeling “cloudy,” receiving a sign that makes you aware of your spiritual disconnection, and many more ways that can’t be described in this book. Don’t worry if you feel one or more of these signs; there is always an opportunity to reconnect with your spiritual wellness. Cut out time to meditate, get back into your ritual, reflect on spiritual texts, or just take a walk in nature. Spiritual wellness is abundant, and it’s up to you to tap into it.


  1. “Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by... : Psychosomatic Medicine.” LWW, https://journals.lww.com/psychosomaticmedicine/Abstract/2003/07000/Alterations_in_Brain_and_Immune_Function_Produced.14.aspx.

  2. Brandon, George. “Orisha.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 4 May 2018, https://www.britannica.com/topic/orisha.

  3. Dahl, Cortland J, et al. “Reconstructing and Deconstructing the Self: Cognitive Mechanisms in Meditation Practice.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Sept. 2015, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26231761.

  4. Gard, Tim, et al. “The Potential Effects of Meditation on Age-Related Cognitive Decline: a Systematic Review.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2014, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24571182.

  5. Goyal, Madhav, et al. “Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-Being: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” JAMA Internal Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2014, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24395196.

  6. Kaul, Prashant, et al. “Meditation Acutely Improves Psychomotor Vigilance, and May Decrease Sleep Need.” Behavioral and Brain Functions : BBF, BioMed Central, 29 July 2010, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2919439/.

  7. Sood, Amit, and David T Jones. “On Mind Wandering, Attention, Brain Networks, and Meditation.” Explore (New York, N.Y.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2013, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23643368.

  8. Staff, CCARE. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Compassion Cultivation Training: Effects on Mindfulness, Affect, and Emotion Regulation.” The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, http://ccare.stanford.edu/article/jazaieri-h-mcgonigal-k-jinpa-t-doty-j-r-gross-j-j-golden-p-r-2013-a-randomized-controlled-trial-of-compassion-cultivation-training-effects-on-mindfulness-affect-and-emotion/.

  9. Thenea, et al. “Apotheosis: Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About How Humans Become Greek Deities But Were Afraid To Ask.” Magick From Scratch, 23 Nov. 2014, https://magickfromscratch.com/2014/11/21/apotheosis-everything-youve-ever-wanted-to-know-about-how-humans-become-greek-deities-but-were-afraid-to-ask/.

  10. Wong, Eva. 2000. The Tao of Health, Longevity, and Immortality: The Teachings of Immortals Chung and Lü. Boston: Shambhala.